Workshops: Call for Papers
Workshop Latin linguistics and language learning
Organizer: Suzanne Adema,,
To be held at the International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics, Munich April 24-28, 2017
In recent years, an increasing number of publications on the learning and teaching of Latin have appeared (e.g. LaFleur 2001, Morwood 2003, Gruber-Miller 2006, Lister 2008, Keip 2014, Hunt 2016), besides journals such as Der Altsprachliche Unterricht, Teaching Classical Languages and The Journal of classics teaching. Many of these publications discuss theories and research on reading processes and the acquisition of modern second languages and apply them to Latin (e.g. Anderson and Beckwith 2010, Clark 2013, Wegenhart 2015). Several Latin linguists, too, have published on the learning of Latin, focusing on the contribution of linguistic knowledge to, for instance, the reading process (e.g. Markus and Pennell-Ross 1998, Knudsvig and Pennell-Ross 1998, Portmann-Tselikas 2003, Pennell-Ross 2008, Baños Baños 2009, Liebermann 2014, Adema & Van Gils 2015).
At the International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics (Munich 2017) a workshop will be organized to discuss this topic together, and to consider the teaching and acquisition of the Latin language from a linguistic perspective.
Furthermore, the workshop is meant to explore the interest and experience of Latin linguists and other classical scholars in the acquisition of Latin as an empirical research field.
Empirical research on the teaching and acquisition of Latin still seems scarse (but see e.g. Florian 2013, Van Houdt 2008). Experimental research designs (e.g. pre- and posttested intervention studies) and data-collection methods such as think-aloud tasks or eyetracking would provide us with insights in the acquisition of Latin and the reading process of Latin learners. Research questions might concern the role of linguistic knowledge in the reading of Latin, effective ways of teaching Latin morphology and syntax, or the applicability of theories and pedagogical methods of modern languages to the learning of Latin.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (not including examples and bibliographical references) and should clearly state research questions, approach, method, data, and (expected) results. The official conference languages are English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by an evaluation committee.
In addition to these general ICLLrequirements, abstracts for the workshop should also specify which of the following issues will be addressed:
- applications of recent Latin linguistic research and linguistic digital tools in the teaching of Latin (e.g. text structuring devices, word order, frequency of syntactic features, treebanking)
- empirical studies on the teaching and acquisition of Latin
- research methodologies of the field of second language acquisition and their usefulness in investigating the acquisition of Latin
Papers will be limited to 20 minutes, followed by discussion. The discussions in the workshop will be in English.
Deadlines (following those of ICLL 2017)
- June 1, 2016: deadline for provisional title of the paper
- October 1, 2016: deadline for sending in definite title and abstract (500 words)
- December 15, 2016: decisive answer to participants whether paper is accepted
The workshop is to be held at the International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics, and all participants should therefore register at that colloquium. The Colloquiums website address is
, the website contains information about registration, registration fees and venues.
Please send your title and abstract to Suzanne Adema,
Adema, S.M. and L.W. van Gils. 2015. ‘Epistularum genera multa. Een talige benadering van teksttypen in brieven van Cicero en Plinius.’ [A linguistic approach to text types in the letters of Cicero and Pliny] Lampas 48.1, 18-38.
Anderson, P. and M. Beckwith, (2010) ‘Form-focused Teaching for the Intermediate Latin Student’, Teaching Classical Languages Fall 2010, 31-52.
Baños Baños, J.M. (2009) Cómo analuzar un texto en latín: consideraciones sobre la didáctica de la Gramátic Latina. Reduca (Filologia), Series Classica 1.1, 50-68.
Bulwer, J. (2006) Classics Teaching in Europe. London.
Clark, E. (2013) ‘An assessment of the effectiveness of ‘TPRS’ as a means of teaching Latin vocabulary and grammar’, Journal of Classics Teaching 14, 34-42.
Florian, L. (2013) ‚Übersetzen und Verstehen im Lateinunterricht. Eine empirische Untersuchung‘, Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift XIII. 1-2, 1-15.
Gruber-Miller, J. (2006) When Dead Tongues Speak. Teaching Beginning Greek and Latin. Oxford.
Hunt, S. (2016) Starting to teach Latin. London.
Keip, M. (2003) ‚Wieviel Grammatik muss sein?‘, Altsprachliche Unterricht 4-5/2003, 18-32.
Keip, M. (2014) Interaktive Fachdidaktik Latein. Göttingen.
Knudsvig, G.M. and D.Pennell-Ross. (1998) ‘The Linguistic Perspective.’ In R. LaFleur (ed.) Latin for the 21st Century: From Concept to Classroom. Glenview, Illinois (Scott-Foresman).
LaFleur, R. (2001) Latin for the 21st Century: From Concept to Classroom. Illinois.
Liebermann, B. (2014) ‚Grammatik und Sprachkompetenz. Zur Relevanz der lateinischen Grammatik Christian Touratiers für den Lateinunterricht an Schulen‘, Pegasus-Onlinezeitschrift XIV.1, 151-166.
Lister, B. (2008) International Perspectives on the Teaching of Latin. Cambridge
Markus, D.D. and Pennell-Ross, D. (2004) ‘Reading Proficiency in Latin Through Expectations and Visualization.’ Classical World 98.1, 79-93.
Morwood. J. (2003) The teaching of Classics. Cambridge University Press
Nickel, R. und A. Zanini. (2003) ‚Effizienter Grammatikunterricht‘, Altsprachliche Untericht 4-5/2003, 2-16.
Panhuis, D. (2007) ‘Taalkunde in het onderwijs klassieke talen’ [Linguistics in teaching the classical languages], Prora 12.1, 4-12.
Pennell-Ross, D. (2008) ‘Latin pedagogy at Michigan: linear reading using a linguistic perspective.’ In R. Lister (ed.) Meeting the Challenge: International Perspectives on the Teaching of Latin. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 44-53.
Portmann-Tselikas, P.R. (2003) ‘Kognitive Linguistik und Spracherwerb‘, Altsprachliche Untericht 4-5/2003, 72-85.
Van Houdt, T. (2008) ‘The strategic reading of Latin (and Greek) texts: a research-based approach.’ In R. Lister (ed.) Meeting the challenge: international perspectives on the teaching of Latin, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 54-70.
Verhoeven, P. (1993) Tekstbegrip in het onderwijs Klassieke Talen, Diss. Universiteit Groningen.
Wegenhart, T.A. (2015). ‘Better Reading Through Science: Using Research-Based Models to Help Students Read Latin Better’, Journal of Classics Teaching 16, 8-13.